Targeted Population: Children, teens, and adults
Referred by Juvenile Court and/or Juvenile Probation for Assessment
Referred by DCS or Assessment
Targeted Population: Children, teens, and adults
Referred by Juvenile Court and/or Juvenile Probation for Assessment
Referred by DCS or Assessment
The Youth Opportunity Center offers diagnostic and evaluation services to eligible youth and families. The results of the evaluation, including diagnostic impression and treatment recommendations, are shared with the client, family and referring agent. Clients may be referred for any of the following types of assessments:
CIAs include a diagnosis (if applicable), a bio-psychosocial assessment, provide specific answers to questions posed by the referring agent (as applicable) and give recommendations for the level of service needed.
Trauma assessments include the social and developmental history of the client, trauma history (including all forms of traumatic events experienced directly or witnessed by the client), at least one standardized trauma assessment measure (i.e. Trauma Symptoms Checklist for Children- TSCC or UCLA Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Index), integration of CANS scores, and recommendations for evidence-based trauma-informed treatment.
Psychological testing may be completed as follow up to the CIA and requires a separate referral from the referring agent. The psychological testing will be completed using objective and projective measures to assess the extent and severity of psychological difficulties, as well as personality characteristics and behavior problems. The YOC’s Psychological Services team will determine the specific battery of tests to be administered based on the referring agent’s referral questions, presenting problems, age, reading level and other clinical risk factors. Completed psychological testing reports will include a description of the client’s history, present level of functioning, recommendations for the level of service needed, specific recommendations for treatment, and a diagnosis. In addition, the report should provide answers to any specific questions posed by the referring agent.