The YOC gave our daughter a chance, and our family a chance, and that’s a chance we never would have gotten without them.
We Are Hiring!
Make a difference in the life of a child! Join the team here at the Youth Opportunity Center.
At the YOC, everyone brings their own talents and gifts to the table, whether it’s a winning smile, broad shoulders, strong backbone, helping hands or a heart for kids.
If we can help save a child, then why couldn’t that child save the family, the neighborhood, the community, the world?
After taking a tour of the YOC, you see first-hand how much these kids do not have. And a lot of these kids have no one who believes in them. That was a real eye-opener. No one should go through childhood thinking that no one is thinking of them or praying for them.
Having all youth service agencies on one campus has increased continuity of care for the kids and families. Our ultimate goal was to provide easy access to youth services, and I believe this has been accomplished.