09 Feb A Letter from the CEO

In recent years the Transformers series of movies have been blockbuster hits at the box office. In these Hollywood productions, a variety of vehicles can literally transform into walking, talking robots in an instant. This version of transformation is exciting in the movies, but in real life, individuals and organizations transform much differently.

The YOC recently concluded our first capital campaign in the 25-year history of our organization. We embraced the principle of “transformation” as noted in our campaign theme – Transforming Together: The Next Chapter. As noted earlier, transformation at the YOC looks a little different than in the movies. As an organization, our process of transformation will include a few significant changes for sure. But most of our progress will be accomplished through thousands of individual acts carried out by hundreds of people. Transformation takes place when a youth support specialist makes a real connection with a kid and they begin to trust an adult for the first time. It happens when a cottage manager invests in their team, coaching them to grow personally and professionally. It begins to take place when one of our kids and their family members participate in family counseling on our campus. It becomes evident when a teen takes their first college visit as part of our Independent Living program. Transformation also becomes possible when generous and caring donors join with us to help kids and families.

Each and every day, scores of young people at the Youth Opportunity Center take steps toward becoming more self-aware, learn healthier ways to work with their family and others and develop greater self-esteem, trust, and responsibility. Every day, youth are incrementally changing their lives with help from our dedicated team. Throughout our newsletter stories, you will get just a glimpse of the exciting things happening at the YOC. We invite you to join us in the transformation!

This story is from the 2018 Winter Newsletter. To view the full newsletter click here.