06 Feb Human Trafficking Survivor, Author, and Expert Rebecca Bender to Speak in Muncie

Rebecca Bender, of the Rebecca Bender Initiative, will speak February 10, 2017, at 6:30 p.m. at Northside Middle School in Muncie, Indiana. The presentation, “The Illusion of Choice: Seen Through the Eyes of a Survivor,” will show what modern day sex slavery looks like and how to protect young people from becoming victims. Rebecca brings a message of hope and inspiration in her triumph over trauma and trial by breaking stereotypes and answering questions such as, “why don’t they just run?” This free community event is sponsored by The Youth Opportunity Center and Children’s Bureau, Inc.

During the week leading up to the public presentation, Rebecca will also speak at area schools, to local law enforcement and probation officers, mental health professionals, child service providers, and to the Department of Child Services.

Rebecca Bender is a nationally recognized expert on domestic sex trafficking. After escaping nearly six years of sex trafficking herself, she emerged as a Survivor Leader, providing consulting, training and speaking with some of the largest anti-trafficking groups and government agencies in the country, including FBI, Homeland Security, and former president Jimmy Carter. 

After writing her first book, Roadmap to Redemption, she founded the Rebecca Bender Initiative (RBI), a non-profit that provides trainings and consulting to first responders and investigators across America. Under RBI, Rebecca also created Elevate Academy: the largest and only, online program for survivors of human trafficking seeking care outside of residential treatment.

Rebecca is the recipient of multiple FBI and Congressional recognition awards, the 2015 Hero to our Generation Award, 2014 Female Overcomer Award, and the 2013 Unlikely Hero Award. She sits as on the Advisory Committee for the US Dept. of Health and Human services, is a member of the Oregon Cease Task Force and is co-chair of Oregon’s DOJ Human Trafficking Advisory Council, as well as serves on the board of Exodus Cry. She was chosen as one of the top 22 Survivor Leaders being featured in a PSA titled, “More Than a Survivor” and is a member of the Survivor Leader Institute and the National Survivor Network, and is co-founder of the Survivor Alliance. Her consulting services have assisted DA’s during trials as well as provided needed direction to the opening of seven “safe homes” around the world, including one in Iraq for Isis refugees.

David Dickerson, YOC Director of Alternative Programs
3700 W. Kilgore Avenue, Muncie, IN 47304
765-289-5437, ext. 2219 | ddickerson@yocinc.org