04 Oct A Letter from the CEO


“Going the Extra Mile,” “Above and Beyond the Call,” and “Giving 110%”…all are phrases used to describe a superior effort that makes a difference.

They are easy terms to say, however they are hard to do. Yet great things happen when, after all of the necessary work is done, our staff at the YOC are enabled to give and do just a little bit more to help the kids that we seek to impact.

At the YOC, there is much that is expected of our care for kids and their treatment and therapy.

High standards from the Department of Child Services and even higher standards from our accrediting bodies, the Council on Accreditation (COA) and the American Psychological Association (APA), are ever present. These standards call us to a consistent and expected high standard.

Yet often times it just starts there.  When our dedicated team of staff connects to our kids in new and creative ways, it creates a margin of excellence for a potential-filled future.

The “extra” adds depth and fullness to our programs. These opportunities for kids are key tools in the hands of our staff that stand poised to do more to invest in these vulnerable young people.

This newsletter has examples of some “extra” things that happen at the YOC. In this edition, we feature highlights of the YOCís Youth Leadership Summit, and Bob Taylor, the YOC’s visionary architect, whose passion for the YOC continues 25 years after the first residential cottage was built. Through the help of partners and supporters like you, our kids are making great strides toward their futures. Thanks for working with us to go the “Extra Mile”…for the kids!

Rick Rowray
Chief Executive Officer

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